
[ 7 years old and above]
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Duration: 1.5 Hour/weekly

12 Lessons - $660 [@$55]
24 Lessons - $1200 [@$50]

  • Build resilience and complete task

  • Connect and Wonder - what is worth finding out

  • Recognise scientific structures of things and how they work

  • Recognise and identify the spectrum of colours

  • Identify different types of textures and make connections with art expression

  • Strengthen finger muscles strength and dexterity

  • Strengthen eye hand coordination 

Generate curiosity and investigate queries

  • Learn how to plan, do, correct and action (PDCA)

  • Intake and execution of instructions

  • Develop problem-solving skills

  • Analyse, arrive at a conclusion and exercise decision making skills

  • Make connection of art with stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)

  • To be able to

    • express aesthetic opinions

    • make choices/informed decisions

    • explore other alternatives/solutions

    • provide and accept comparisons/feedbacks

    • challenge the norms/previous practices

    • imagine and invent

    • manipulate and choose appropriate tools and materials

    • handle single medium and/or to combine various media in creation

    • create two-dimensional and three-dimensional expressions